Chase Your Vision

By Maurice Tanel

The above video, ‘You Won’t Always Be Motivated You Must Learn To Be Disciplined’ by Fearless Motivation, powerfully presents how important discipline and consistency is to our success.

Chasing your vision requires that you are constantly taking those uncomfortable steps every day to get one action closer to achieve your vision. To make your vision a reality will take more than just dreaming and make no mistake, actions of discipline are those uncomfortable steps. Your actions must drive your routines, your thinking and your commitment to move forward towards your vision. 

Achieving success requires a clear vision that is important to you and the determination to consistently work at the edge of the out of comfort zone. Success is the result of all the difficult choices to take those uncomfortable steps in order to achieve success later. Discipline now, no matter how uncomfortable, is the only way to make the changes necessary to improve.

You cannot achieve your goals or make your vision a reality without discipline. Use discipline to make those changes to get one action closer to your achieve your vision.


Some questions to reflect on..

Have you taken responsibility for your choices and decisions to take the required actions to get one step closer to achieve your vision?

What excuses have you made to justify not taking action?

When did you procrastinate in doing something because it felt uncomfortable? 

What is your powerful reason that makes taking action now a priority?

‘It WILL be uncomfortable. It WILL take time. It WILL take commitment and sacrifice. But it WILL be worth it’ – MoeTivation

For further information on this or any other questions you may have, please feel free to contact Maurice (Moe) Tanel by email at [email protected]